ASHPOfficial is the premier podcast of ASHP and the collective voice of our 50,000 members in health-system pharmacy. Through interviews and discussions with pharmacy thought leaders, ASHPOfficial will explore issues related to public health, medication use, and supporting the professional practice of pharmacists in hospitals, health systems, ambulatory clinics, and other settings. To learn more about ASHP, please visit
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
In this podcast, Dr. Christina Song, Dr. Kim Redic, and Dr. Michelle Yu discuss the AJHP Practice Research Report, “Development of complexity categories for an investigational drug services complexity scoring tool to assess pharmacy effort in clinical trial initiation and maintenance,” with host and AJHP Editor in Chief Dr. Daniel Cobaugh.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Top 4 Tips for Residency Success: Insights from ”Get The Residency” Book
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
In this episode, the editors of Get the Residency, 3rd Edition share their expertise and discuss the importance of residency preparation. They delve deep into the top 4 tips from their book that have proven to be instrumental in achieving residency success.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
CDC recently released the Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship for Health Departments to outline the structure and activities of state and local health department antibiotic stewardship programs. The podcast will highlight opportunities for pharmacists to partner with state and local health departments to optimize antibiotic use in their communities.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Hot Topics in Pharmacy: ASHP Advantage: The Long and Short of Long COVID
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Faculty from our Midyear Clinical Meeting symposium on COVID-19 in the immunocompromised population discuss new information and recommendation updates that have occurred since their initial presentation.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
This podcast provides an engaging interview with three hospital executives who are pharmacists, have successful careers, and contributed significantly to health system professional associations.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Describe the evolution of the pharmacy enterprise and the changes necessary for sustainability. Share challenges in designing workforce models and techniques to overcome these challenges. Recognize the resulting workforce models and factors that impacted these changes. Provide examples of communication techniques for success model change. Identify future needs for the pharmacy profession to address landscape changes.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Medication safety issues continue to cause harmful or fatal errors across all settings. Recently, The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) published new guidance on best practices for medication safety in the community pharmacy setting. Join Dr. Brooke Hudspeth as she interviews Dr. Alex Swick and Dr. Shanna Whitwell to discuss this new document and mobilize widespread adoption of these consensus-based best practices.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
In anticipation of the Midyear Clinical Meeting, ASHP is hosting a series of podcasts focused on highlighting key sessions, hot topics and “can’t miss moments.” Hosted by Cynthia Von Heeringen, Education Director on the National Meetings Team at ASHP. On today’s episode we are sitting down with Drs. Antonia Akrap, Delaram Bahmander, and Samantha Roberts and learning more about their session, It's a Small World After All: Diversion Prevention Software Challenges. If you haven’t already, register for the Midyear clinical meeting today at
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
In this episode, Dev Chatterji and Lois Lee discuss role the oral-beta lactams may serve in the treatment of Gram-Negative Rod bloodstream infections, the data behind the recommendation and identify the patients who may be ideal candidates for this therapy.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
There are many career avenues one can take as pharmacist. One area within clinical pharmacy that many individuals do not get much exposure to in pharmacy school or practice is solid organ transplant. This podcast will review what a career as a solid organ transplant pharmacist looks like and potential career avenues if one was to pursue this track of pharmacy.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.