ASHPOfficial is the premier podcast of ASHP and the collective voice of our 50,000 members in health-system pharmacy. Through interviews and discussions with pharmacy thought leaders, ASHPOfficial will explore issues related to public health, medication use, and supporting the professional practice of pharmacists in hospitals, health systems, ambulatory clinics, and other settings. To learn more about ASHP, please visit
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Part 2 of this podcast series discusses the background for current barcode formats used on medication packages. Our speakers provide insight into regulations currently affecting barcoding practices, as well as changes that are needed for the future.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Join us for an insightful episode featuring an expert speaker, Megan Adelman, PharmD, BCGP, BCPS, CDCES from the upcoming Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition. She will explore generational differences in the pharmacy workforce, offer strategies for precepting the newest generation, and highlight the unique skills and perspectives they bring to the field. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to foster collaboration across generations in your pharmacy practice!
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
In anticipation of the 2024 ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, ASHP is hosting a series of podcast episodes. Join our host, Cynthia Von Heeringen, senior education director at ASHP as she interviews Denise Scarpelli, vice president and chief pharmacy officer at University of Chicago to discuss the upcoming session, How Strong is Your Bench? Developing Future Pharmacy Leaders with Strategic Succession Planning. Denise will give an overview of the session design and share a bit of her own story with this creative process for developing future leaders.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Join a conversation about unique education planned for a needed and sensitive topic at the upcoming conference for pharmacy leaders. Bill Kernan, a seasoned leader is joined by health system HR professional Adriana Ciltara as they give a preview of the program.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
In this episode, the team from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to discuss their award-winning submission to the ASHP Best Practices. They will share how their program demonstrated improvements in opioid utilization, reduction in medication errors and an increase in patient safety.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
This podcast examines issues surrounding current requirements for barcodes on unit-of-use medication packages and provides insight into the opportunities available for utilizing updated barcoding practices. Speakers discuss what is needed from vendors, federal agencies, and pharmacies to facilitate a change in current practices.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
In this podcast, Dr. Zoe Karavolis and Dr. Antoine Douaihy discuss the AJHP Practice Research Report, “Pharmacist-implemented intervention to surmount COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in adults with substance use disorders,” with host and AJHP Editor in Chief Dr. Daniel Cobaugh.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Pharmacy preceptors often face the emotional strain of balancing their clinical responsibilities with the need to provide meaningful, constructive feedback to their learners. In addition, they often struggle with navigating learners’ emotions while delivering constructive feedback, aiming to be supportive yet honest in a way that doesn’t discourage growth. Join us at the National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference on October 2-3 to learn more.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Harnessing the plethora of data is a critical success factor for hospital and health system executives and the sources of data are continually growing in complexity and reliability. This podcast will provide insights and instruction from two hospital and health system C-suite executives on examples and lessons learned on leveraging data to improve outcomes and decision making in a multi-hospital health system.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Advocating for Impact: ASHP on PBMs Part 2: Specialty Steering
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
This podcast is part of a series unpacking harmful PBM practices. The series will inform listeners about PBMs’ influence over nearly all aspects of patient care and the profession of pharmacy. The series will also identify key resources and strategies enabling pharmacy professionals to engage in effective advocacy efforts to achieve meaningful PBM reform. In this episode, we discuss how PBMs have co-opted specialty pharmacy practice to maximize their profits at the direct expense of patients, how policymakers can address these practices and how pharmacists can push back against these actions.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.